UI junior Dan Olinghouse was in his second semester of an independent study abroad program when revolution began sweeping Cairo. Now back home, he recounts his experience among the demonstrators in Tahrir Square. More
Beverly Davidson, UI expert on inherited diseases, gene therapy, and treatments for brain disease, will present the 2011 University of Iowa Presidential Lecture Sunday, Feb. 27, at the Levitt Center for University Advancement on the UI campus. More
Most of us have been affected by something called “space weather” without even realizing it. Check out the latest edition of Iowa Insights and hear how University of Iowa researcher Craig Kletzing plans to study space weather with a $30 million NASA grant. More
A UI law student and researcher says states might better combat teen “sexting”—sending nude photos via text messaging service—with new legislation to address the issue directly instead of adapting existing obscenity or pornography laws. More
UI finance experts say the ongoing collapse of the housing market rippled through the stock market in ways previous collapses had not, causing deeper economic damage that will take longer to fix. More
Stephen Russell, UI professor of ophthalmology and visual sciences, is the first recipient of the Dina J. Schrage Professorship in Macular Degeneration Research. More
Its current home is an ice arena near the food court in a Coralville mall, but only competitive success sates the hunger of the UI Ice Hawks club hockey program. Founded in 1974 as a small, independent squad, the student-run team has become one of the Midwest's fastest rising club programs. More
Raúl Curto and Philip Kutzko, both faculty members in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Department of Mathematics, were named 2010 Fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the world’s largest general scientific society and publisher of the journal Science. More
The University of Iowa’s Hancher has launched a new Twitter stream that offers updates on events and other news while paying homage to Virgil Hancher, the former UI president after whom the UI arts presenter is named. More
The Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Region VII office denied an appeal to the FEMA ruling that the UI Museum of Art is ineligible for replacement funding, prompting the University to request that the appeal go to FEMA headquarters in Washington, D.C. More
Related: First post-flood faculty art show runs through March 6 More“The problem is that Crosby sounds like a boring old adult.”
Steven Horowitz, UI adjunct assistant professor, comparing Bing Crosby and fellow crooner Frank Sinatra after the release of the CD Bing Sings the Sinatra Songbook (PopMatters, January).
“Weird, huh?”
Kansas City-based actress and UI alumna Cinnamon Schultz (MFA '97) on the surprising success of her film Winter’s Bone (Kansas City Star, Jan. 26).
The pioneering Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research. More
Archaeology course traces the long and complicated history of humans and beasts. More
UI alumnus Roger Koch gives $2 million to support engineering education and research on bipolar disorders. More
© The University of Iowa 2009